The rock town of Adrspach within easy reach

Adršpašské skály jsou přírodní dominantou Broumovského výběžku, kterou ročně navštíví tisíce turistů.When you go to the Broumov promontory, everyone will recommend a visit to the rock towns in Adršpach and Teplice nad Metují. he Adršpach-Teplice rocks are a mystically beautiful example of nature's inexhaustible creativity. With an area of 18 km2 it is one of the largest rock complexes of its kind in Europe. You can go on a trip at any time of the year. Only in summer expect more traffic and in winter limited access to some less accessible trails.

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The rock town of Adrspach

You can look at the rock formations for the first time or after a thousand, and you will still be amazed at the convincing shapes that the tooth of time has worked with sandstone. Follow the signposts and judge for yourself what a perfect sculptor nature is. Take a look at the Sugar Loaf, Lover, Mayor and Mayor’s wife, Eagle's Nest or Krakonoš's chaise longue. Also, worth seeing is the beautifully clear Pískovna lake and a rocky lake, along which a ferryman can take you on a rowboat. Do you recognize the places that appeared in the czech fairy tales as The Third Prince, From Hell of Happiness 2, The Prince and the Evening Star or Hell with a Princess? he snow-covered Adršpach Rocks also flickered in a world-class movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.. Bruce Willis allegedly walked on sandy roads.

Adršpašsko teplické skály jsou oblíbeným turistickým cílem návštěvníků Broumovska.

Adrspach Chateau

On the site of the former fortress of the Berk family from Dubá, the present Adršpach chateau began to be built around 1600.. This Baroque monument has a relatively diverse past. Based on Beneš's decrees, the chateau was confiscated and later handed over to the Ministry of Education and Culture. In the 1960s, it even served as a dormitory for local textile apprentices. Unfortunately, due to the frequent change of owners and struggles for ownership, no one cared much about the condition of the monument. The added farm building was even demolished in the second half of the 20th century. After extensive reconstructions, the gates of the Adršpach chateau were opened to the public for the first time in 2014. Since then, the castle has served culture again. Here you can visit plays, discussions, concerts, lectures, openings or summer screenings in the castle garden. Of course, there are also guided tours at the chateau. You can visit it all year round from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 am and 5 pm. Admission ranges from 25 to 50 CZK, children under 6 years have free entry.


The village of Adršpach

If you stay with us, you can easily get to Adrspach from our apartments It is about 15 km. You get off the train at the Adršpach stop, from the bus at the Adršpach, skály stop. If you travel by car, prepare in season for possible complications with parking at the entrance to the rock town. The fully occupied car park will announce light signs placed on both sides of the entrance to Adršpach. But there are several reasons to choose public transport. If you arrive in Adršpach by train or bus and prove yourself with a ticket, you will receive a discount on admission to Adršpach Castle. And if you don't want to change in Teplice nad Metují, where the train line branches off, you can get off directly in Teplice. You will walk the same route through the rocks, only in the opposite direction.